Subject Matter Experts

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Lin Chambers
Areas of Expertise: 
Climate & Radiation
SMD Division icon with Earth Science selected.
Charles Law
Harvard University
Areas of Expertise: 
Exoplanets and Exoplanet Formation
Solar System Astronomy
Stellar Physics and Stellar Types
Stellar Populations and the Interstellar Medium
SMD Division icon with Astrophysics selected.
Kathleen Mandt
Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory
Areas of Expertise: 
Dwarf Planets (Ceres, Pluto, etc.)
Exoplanets and Exoplanet Formation
Ionospheric response to solar energy inputs
Kuiper Belt Objects (KBOs)
Outer Planets (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune)
Planetary Atmospheres
Small Bodies (Asteroids, Comets, Meteorites)
Terrestrial Planets (Mercury, Venus, Luna, Mars)
SMD Division icon with Planetary Sciences selected.
Yaning Miao
University of California, Riverside
Areas of Expertise: 
Atmospheric Chemistry
Climate & Radiation
SMD Division icon with Earth Science selected.
Valerie Payre
Northern Arizona University
Areas of Expertise: 
Planetary Surface Processes (Weathering, Erosion, Transport, and Deposition)
Planetary Volcanism
Remote Sensing
Sample Analysis
Terrestrial Planets (Mercury, Venus, Luna, Mars)
SMD Division icon with Planetary Sciences selected.
Parvathy Prem
Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory (APL)
Areas of Expertise: 
Planetary Surface Processes (Weathering, Erosion, Transport, and Deposition)
Remote Sensing
Terrestrial Planets (Mercury, Venus, Luna, Mars)
SMD Division icon with Planetary Sciences selected.
Areas of Expertise: 
Stellar Physics and Stellar Types
Stellar Populations and the Interstellar Medium
SMD Division icon with Astrophysics selected.
Kevin Reed
Stony Brook University
Areas of Expertise: 
Climate & Radiation
Hydrological Sciences
SMD Division icon with Earth Science selected.
Samet Serce
Rutgers University
Areas of Expertise: 
Exoplanets and Exoplanet Formation
Intergalactic Medium and the Circumgalactic Medium
Large Scale Structure of the Universe
Solar System Astronomy
Stellar Physics and Stellar Types
Stellar Populations and the Interstellar Medium
Supermassive Black Holes and Active Galaxies
SMD Division icon with Astrophysics selected.
Stephanie Suarez
University of Houston
Areas of Expertise: 
Impact Cratering
Planetary Surface Processes (Weathering, Erosion, Transport, and Deposition)
Planetary Volcanism
Sample Analysis
Small Bodies (Asteroids, Comets, Meteorites)
Terrestrial Planets (Mercury, Venus, Luna, Mars)
SMD Division icon with Planetary Sciences selected.
